Archive for the ‘visionary’ Tag

Free QNLP Seminar Series   Leave a comment

PsyChi is the new talk in town!!! Come and learn what the buzz is all about, and experience the amazing connection between PsyChi and NLP, as you will learn about transforming CORE BELIEFS.

When: Tuesday, February 22nd, from 7.00 – 8.30 pm

Where: At the Transformation Station, 3300 South 970 East, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84106

Julie Keen, Quantum NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, along with Julia Workman, creator of i-Health’s PsyChi module, present PsyChi.

Join us for an evening of context, conversation and demonstration.

PsyChi is a process using NLP concepts directly correlating to visionary, auditory, and sensory perception.  With pulsating light frequency, one’s neurology is changed; trauma triggers are released, negative core beliefs are changed, addictions and compulsions are deleted and stress, fears and phobias dissipated.

What Does the PsyChi System Include?

  • ·         Core Belief Protocol (Wipes out patterns of self sabotage)
  • ·         Trauma Protocol, assists one through PTSD, (abuse, accidents, war, tragic loss)
  • ·         Phobia, Stress Protocol (extreme fears about future, or performance)
  • ·         Resistance Protocol (lack of motivation, depression, lack of focus)
  • ·         Addiction Protocol (supports one through recovery of addictions)

What is a Negative Core Belief?

A negative “Core Belief” is one of the innermost or bottom line destructive beliefs which is validated over and over in one’s life, through detrimental patterns either in the area of relationships, money, or health. The negative core belief was most likely formed at an early age.  A negative “core belief” is a premise, which stored subconsciously, leads to an automatic reaction, pattern or thought which potentially sabotages any aspect of one’s life.

What is the PsyChi Core Belief Protocol?

  • ·         Discovers the Negative Belief
  • ·         Eliminates the Negative Belief
  • ·         Integrates a new Truth Statement
  • ·         Unleashes  your true Potential

PsyChi was developed by Julia Workman in partnership with Mauk den Boer of I-Health located in the Netherlands.  Julia Workman has owned and operated business’s facilitating personal transformation  for over 25 years.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you at the Free QNLP Seminar series next Tuesday at the Transformation Station, Until then,
Be well,


The world is changing so fast right now, and the rules that governed our societies a couple of generations ago, are not adequate anymore to fit our current circumstances and the issues we are facing globally. For example the conservation and appropriate use of natural resources, and the building of relationships that go beyond personal interests and short term thinking.

The processes of Quantum NLP are designed to be deeply transformative. We are not just scratching the surface here, teaching behavioral skills and techniques. By including the basic principles of Quantum Physics, we are now able to touch peoples lives on the spiritual level and awaken them to a profound sense of purpose, which leads to greater social responsibility, as individuals raise their own consciousness and energetic vibration.

As they become more effective in their own lives (by creating balance between their personal, family and professional development) they naturally can make a greater contribution to their larger community, that they are a part of.

A cultural paradigm shift always happens, by first a few people starting to think in a new way, and then that paradigm gets adopted by others around them, which then spreads to the rest of the community, just like recycling, which is now unthinkable not to do, and 20 years ago was a foreign word to most.

As I am talking about ideas that are still pretty unusual to most people, my intent is to make it as easy as possible for you to understand the deeper layers of Quantum NLP.

We as humans are now starting to perceive, that we live in a holographic universe, which means that our personal journey of transformation effects the larger system. We are all part of larger systems, like our families, our work environment, our community. And as we change ourselves, we automatically influence those people around us, who get to benefit from our transformation.

For those of you who already accept that way of thinking, the question becomes, how far do you want to go and immerse yourself into the quantum universe.

For those of you, who hear this for the first time, I say: “Welcome to the world of Quantum NLP”.

The quantum universe goes beyond the Newtonian laws, and teaches us that we consistently interact with, and influence the energy field that we are part of. We are collectively breaking through the illusion that the world out there exists independently from us. The quantum principles (commonly known as the Law of Attraction) are always at work, whether you know it or not. The more you are educated about these laws, the more proactively you can interact with the world around you.

Reality happens on many levels at once, from the surface structure of physical matter all the way down to the atomic, molecular to the energy level. On the quantum level we are talking about pure potential, which means in the context of NLP that we observe reality on the level of Vision and Possibility.

When we first immerse ourselves in a new way of thinking we are the student, we practice, make mistakes, collect feedback and slowly gain competency. With adequate practice we become masterful at the skill we choose to immerse ourselves in, which leads to greater competency and our ability to teach those skills to others as well.

Through their teaching ability the master is naturally making a greater contribution to society by being able to expand the horizon of their students.

Now, a visionary is a person who is very masterful at the skill level, can teach it to others, and in addition also holds a vision so profound, that is has a deep effect on the community they are part of. Simply by them being in that state of possibility.

Being committed to the “Path of the Visionary”, at Quantum NLP our greatest dedication is to walk our talk in all areas of life. I can not sit in a session and be deeply compassionate towards my client and then go home and yell at my kids.

The point is that these principles and this way of thinking is permeating all areas of my life and that my goal is to ALWAYS BE ON. Quantum NLP becomes a way of life, that is deeply congruent on all levels. The person shows up with the same integrity and vision at home, work, with their friends and the other communities they belong to.

It is my purpose in life to share these principles with the world as I know the tremendous value they have brought to my own life, my family, readers, clients and students. I know in my deepest core that Quantum NLP is offering valuable solutions in helping humanity raise consciousness to effectively deal with the global transformation that is currently happening.

TO SUM IT ALL UP: This work is about you creating the life you are dreaming of, which leads to making a greater contribution to the people around you – and ultimately the whole planet.

The Trainer Team of Quantum NLP serves personal, professional and corporate clients on three continents by conducting Quantum NLP Certification Training, specialized workshops, as well as entrepreneurial and executive coaching.