Archive for December 2010

January Law Of Attraction Meeting   Leave a comment

Kick Start your New Year with the Powerful Goal Setting Strategy of “Treasure Mapping with Feng Shui and NLP.  Jn Magner, is an International Quantum NLP Trainer, and Tibetian Feng Shui Consultant, will help you fine tune your Vision Board by combining the magic of the Bagua Map, adding specific affirmations, and balancing all the areas of your life- (i.e. Relationships, Wealth, Health, Creativity, Travel, Life Purpose, Knowledge, Fame and staying Centered) through a powerful Process based on NLP principles.
Come prepared with a notebook to write on and a pen, as this is an experiential workshop that will produce amazing results in 2011!

For more information call Jan at 801-815-3404 or email her at:

Free and open to the public.  January 9, 2011 from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. at The Lotus, 12896 S. Pony Express Road, Draper, UT.

Law of Attraction Club Meeting   Leave a comment

The “Law of Attraction Club Meeting” is held every month on the 2nd Sunday from 2 – 3:30 pm at The Lotus, 12896 S Pony Express Rd in Draper, Utah.  The intention is for members of the community to learn effective tools to accomplish their goals.  We discuss ideas that help you attract more of what you want by focusing on creating more positive thought patterns.
It is FREE and open to the public.  Please join us and bring your friends.
The LOA meetings are a collaborative event sponsored by:
Quantum NLP, the LOTUS Feng Shui Store, and the Transformation Station of SLC

New Consciousness Expo 2011   1 comment

MARK YOUR CALENDAR already for March 12th, 2011 at the Salt Lake Community College, Larry Miller Complex in Sandy. Apply for a booth or presentation spot, become a sponsor or event volunteer, or be our guest on March 12th. This event is free to the public, and a great way to meet other like minded people, who believe that we can make a difference in the community – together. Be part of the most amazing grassroots event of the year in Salt Lake City. Created by the community – for the community.

Posted December 14, 2010 by quantumnlp in Community, Quantum NLP

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“How to create more joy in your life…”   Leave a comment

Introducing the movers and shakers in our community!!!

One of the most exciting aspects of teaching is to observe your students integrate what they have learned, as they create an effective tool box for helping others. To give my readers more information on how NLP can be practically applied in everyday life, I am introducing people from the community who make a difference in the lives of others, by combining NLP principles and techniques with their unique skills and talents in their healing practice. We will visit the whole range from health and wellness to family issues, marriage counceling, weight control, business building, NLP with kids, … and even how you can use NLP with animals.

In our series of highlighting community members, we are excited to introduce Elle Eyre, creator of the BIG LYFE DESIGN (c) workshop series. Elle Eyre, LYFE Strategies Coach and Trainer of MyBiGSkinnyLYFE, brings you the best techniques for living au natural by stripping life down to the bare essentials of conscious living. Enjoy the following excert from her workshop, and remember to EN-JOY this holiday season.

JOY RISING by Elle Eyre

If man was created to have joy then where is it and how can I get some? When life is life-ing joy often gets lost between the cracks of the everyday. When joy and passion are not present in our everyday lives, feelings like doubt, despair, frustration, anger and disappointment can creep in and steal happiness right out from underneath us. Then, before we know it, we are asking ourselves why we are here, wondering what the purpose of this whole thing we call “life” is, and our identity becomes confused with daily routines, work, children, friends and possessions which leave us wanting for more.

Esther Hicks says, “The most important thing is that you feel good.” When we “feel good”, we are sending out a vibrational beacon to all things that match the frequency of our vibration, much like a radio signal being picked up by a car stereo. When the stereo is tuned just right, we are delighted by the sound of beautiful music through the speakers. When we are out of alignment with the signal that matches our favorite radio station, we get static or overlapping waves that are confused and garbled.

Untangling our identity, or coming into alignment with the frequency of our favorite radio station, object, feeling, circumstance or situation is possible by retraining the way we think or process external input. Our minds are continually taking in input that we are categorizing and connecting to events, feelings, situation, and circumstances, which is how we make decisions about what to do; we call this judgment, frame of reference, experience, or conditioning. Our bodies are complex and beautiful energy systems tuned into different vibrational frequencies. Anyone who has ever experienced tension in a room so thick you could cut it with a knife has experienced the frequency of “tension” through the emotional energy system. What we do with that information happens quickly based upon “experience.” We connect the information about the tension with the images, words, actions, smells, sounds, textures, and temperatures of the event we walked into, store it in the brain and resource it as a whole or in parts when making judgments and choices in similar circumstances.

At times, we feel things that we do not like and wish we could change but feel helpless or held hostage by our emotions. Knowing how your body is receiving, storing and recalling information is the key to change. Our minds are pliable, teachable and trainable, seemingly automatic responses to input can be retrained to give us new results simply and with a little practice. I remember when my granddad taught me how to drive a stick shift. He took me out to a seldom driven dirt road in his little white truck. His instructions to me were simple, to go I needed to push on the brake, push in the clutch, put the car into first gear then slowly let out the clutch while gradually accelerating. To stop the instructions were easier. I was to take my foot off the accelerator, push in the clutch, and pull the truck out of gear then push on the brake gradually until I came to a stop. He had me begin the stopping process well before the stop sign and in my mind’s eye; the image I see is one of a stop sign about the distance of a semi-truck and trailer away from my location in the truck. Now that I am practice in the skill of manual driving this process is smooth, effortless, and automatic. I have a similar experience with my route home. I moved recently and one afternoon after completing some errands, I began the trek home. My new place is not far from my old one and the shops I frequent are the same. I was busy checking phone messages and returning calls when I came to a stop right in front of my old place. I got a good laugh as you might imagine. I had taken this route from the shops so many times in the past that it was deeply conditioned in my mind. I am almost embarrassed to tell you that this was not the last time this happened. I recognize that due to the distractions I was allowing as I was driving that I set myself on auto-pilot to get home. I needed to be more aware or conscious about my choices to get myself to my new place and retrain my brain to get there on auto-pilot. Our emotional navigation system can also be trained to get us to our desired destination as we are willing to recondition its auto-pilot.

Here are some simple manual driving instructions for you to practice. First, consider what you would like to be feeling most of the time. Next, connect with how you are currently feeling. Notice everything about it, Use all of your senses to identify it and locate it in your body. Remember a time when you felt the way you would like to feel. Notice everything about it and fill your body and mind with this feeling. What color is it? Now imagine getting out of bed tomorrow morning and feeling everything about this new feeling and notice how there is a tint of color to your world. As you move through the next weeks, months, and years you notice that the world seems more joyful, vibrant and effortless. Gently open your eyes and notice what you feel in your body. Anytime you wish to recall this feeling simply imagine being drench with the beautiful color you chose to represent this feeling and it will come back to you as a flood.

Live BiG to Give BiG,


Excerpt from the BIG LYFE DESIGN (c) workshop series by Elle Eyre, Emotional Intelligence.

Posted December 10, 2010 by quantumnlp in Esther Hicks, Joy, NLP

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